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Medical image segmentation (MIS) is essential for supporting disease diagnosis and treatment effect assessment. Despite considerable advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for MIS, clinicians remain skeptical of its utility, maintaining low confidence in such black box systems, with this problem being exacerbated by low generalization for out-of-distribution (OOD) data. To move towards effective clinical utilization, we propose a foundation model named EvidenceCap, which makes the box transparent in a quantifiable way by uncertainty estimation. EvidenceCap not only makes AI visible in regions of uncertainty and OOD data, but also enhances the reliability, robustness, and computational efficiency of MIS. Uncertainty is modeled explicitly through subjective logic theory to gather strong evidence from features. We show the effectiveness of EvidenceCap in three segmentation datasets and apply it to the clinic. Our work sheds light on clinical safe applications and explainable AI, and can contribute towards trustworthiness in the medical domain.
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Federated Deep Learning frameworks can be used strategically to monitor Land Use locally and infer environmental impacts globally. Distributed data from across the world would be needed to build a global model for Land Use classification. The need for a Federated approach in this application domain would be to avoid transfer of data from distributed locations and save network bandwidth to reduce communication cost. We use a Federated UNet model for Semantic Segmentation of satellite and street view images. The novelty of the proposed architecture is the integration of Knowledge Distillation to reduce communication cost and response time. The accuracy obtained was above 95% and we also brought in a significant model compression to over 17 times and 62 times for street View and satellite images respectively. Our proposed framework has the potential to be a game-changer in real-time tracking of climate change across the planet.
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Focusing on the complicated pathological features, such as blurred boundaries, severe scale differences between symptoms, background noise interference, etc., in the task of retinal edema lesions joint segmentation from OCT images and enabling the segmentation results more reliable. In this paper, we propose a novel reliable multi-scale wavelet-enhanced transformer network, which can provide accurate segmentation results with reliability assessment. Specifically, aiming at improving the model's ability to learn the complex pathological features of retinal edema lesions in OCT images, we develop a novel segmentation backbone that integrates a wavelet-enhanced feature extractor network and a multi-scale transformer module of our newly designed. Meanwhile, to make the segmentation results more reliable, a novel uncertainty segmentation head based on the subjective logical evidential theory is introduced to generate the final segmentation results with a corresponding overall uncertainty evaluation score map. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the public database of AI-Challenge 2018 for retinal edema lesions segmentation, and the results show that our proposed method achieves better segmentation accuracy with a high degree of reliability as compared to other state-of-the-art segmentation approaches. The code will be released on: https://github.com/LooKing9218/ReliableRESeg.
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Spiking neural networks (SNN) are a viable alternative to conventional artificial neural networks when energy efficiency and computational complexity are of importance. A major advantage of SNNs is their binary information transfer through spike trains. The training of SNN has, however, been a challenge, since neuron models are non-differentiable and traditional gradient-based backpropagation algorithms cannot be applied directly. Furthermore, spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), albeit being a spike-based learning rule, updates weights locally and does not optimize for the output error of the network. We present desire backpropagation, a method to derive the desired spike activity of neurons from the output error. The loss function can then be evaluated locally for every neuron. Incorporating the desire values into the STDP weight update leads to global error minimization and increasing classification accuracy. At the same time, the neuron dynamics and computational efficiency of STDP are maintained, making it a spike-based supervised learning rule. We trained three-layer networks to classify MNIST and Fashion-MNIST images and reached an accuracy of 98.41% and 87.56%, respectively. Furthermore, we show that desire backpropagation is computationally less complex than backpropagation in traditional neural networks.
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Localizing anatomical landmarks are important tasks in medical image analysis. However, the landmarks to be localized often lack prominent visual features. Their locations are elusive and easily confused with the background, and thus precise localization highly depends on the context formed by their surrounding areas. In addition, the required precision is usually higher than segmentation and object detection tasks. Therefore, localization has its unique challenges different from segmentation or detection. In this paper, we propose a zoom-in attentive network (ZIAN) for anatomical landmark localization in ocular images. First, a coarse-to-fine, or "zoom-in" strategy is utilized to learn the contextualized features in different scales. Then, an attentive fusion module is adopted to aggregate multi-scale features, which consists of 1) a co-attention network with a multiple regions-of-interest (ROIs) scheme that learns complementary features from the multiple ROIs, 2) an attention-based fusion module which integrates the multi-ROIs features and non-ROI features. We evaluated ZIAN on two open challenge tasks, i.e., the fovea localization in fundus images and scleral spur localization in AS-OCT images. Experiments show that ZIAN achieves promising performances and outperforms state-of-the-art localization methods. The source code and trained models of ZIAN are available at https://github.com/leixiaofeng-astar/OMIA9-ZIAN.
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引力波天文学是一个充满活力的领域,它利用经典和现代数据处理技术来理解宇宙。已经提出了各种方法来提高检测方案的效率,层次匹配的过滤是一个重要的策略。同时,深度学习方法最近已经证明了与匹配的过滤方法和显着统计性能的一致性。在这项工作中,我们提出了分层检测网络(HDN),这是一种新型的有效检测方法,结合了分层匹配和深度学习的思想。使用新型损失函数对网络进行了训练,该功能同时编码统计准确性和效率的目标。我们讨论了提出的模型的复杂性降低的来源,并描述了专门在不同区域的每个层的初始化的一般配方。我们使用开放的LiGO数据和合成注射的实验证明了HDN的性能,并使用两层型号观察$ 79 \%$ $效率的增益,而匹配的过滤率则以$ 0.2 \%$ $的匹配过滤率。此外,我们展示了如何使用两层模型初始化的三层HDN训练三层HDN可以进一步提高准确性和效率,从而突出了多个简单层在有效检测中的功能。
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随着工程系统的复杂性的增长,对自动方法的需求越来越多,可以检测,诊断甚至正确的瞬时异常,这些异常不可避免地会出现,并且可能难以或不可能手动诊断和修复。在我们文明的最敏感和最复杂的系统中,探测器在引力波引起的距离中寻找令人难以置信的很小的变化 - 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)最初预测的现象是由于黑洞和其他其他碰撞而在宇宙中涌现和传播的探测器。深空中的大量物体。此类探测器的极端复杂性和精度使它们受到瞬时噪声问题的影响,这些问题可能会大大限制其敏感性和有效性。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一种可以检测和表征这种大规模复杂系统的新兴瞬态异常的方法的演示。我们通过一个普遍的问题之一来说明自动化解决方案的性能,精度和适应性,限制重力波发现:陆地质量造影,污染了重力波观测体的高度敏感测量,并可以模仿甚至模仿的天体物理学信号他们正在听。具体而言,我们证明了高度可解释的卷积分类器如何自动学习从辅助探测器数据中检测瞬时异常,而无需观察异常本身。我们还说明了该模型的其他几个有用的功能,包括如何执行自动变量选择,以将数万个辅助数据渠道降低到只有几个相关的数据渠道;它如何识别这些通道中异常情况的行为特征;以及如何使用它来研究单个异常及其相关的渠道。
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随着我们感知增强的能力,我们正在经历从数据贫困问题的过渡,其中中心问题是缺乏相关数据,即数据越来越多的问题,其中核心问题是确定一个中的一些相关功能海洋观察。通过在重力波天体物理学中应用的激励,我们研究了从检测器及其环境中丰富的测量值收集的引力波检测器中瞬时噪声伪影的存在。我们认为,功能学习 - 从数据中优化了哪些相关功能 - 对于实现高精度至关重要。我们引入的模型将错误率降低60%以上,而不是先前使用固定的手工制作功能的最新现状。功能学习不仅有用,因为它可以提高预测任务的性能;结果提供了有关与感兴趣现象相关的模式的宝贵信息,否则这些现象将是无法发现的。在我们的应用程序中,发现与瞬态噪声相关的功能提供了有关其起源的诊断信息,并建议缓解策略。在高维环境中学习具有挑战性。通过使用各种体系结构的实验,我们确定了成功模型中的两个关键因素:稀疏性,用于在高维观测中选择相关变量;和深度,这赋予了处理复杂相互作用和相对于时间变化的鲁棒性的灵活性。我们通过对实际检测器数据进行系统的实验来说明它们的意义。我们的结果提供了对机器学习社区中常见假设的实验性佐证,并具有直接适用于提高我们感知引力波的能力以及许多其他具有类似高维,嘈杂或部分无关数据的问题的问题。
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自我关注是强大的模拟远程依赖性,但在本地更精细的特征学习中是薄弱的。局部自我关注(LSA)的表现正恰好搭配卷积,劣于动态过滤器,这拼图是使用LSA或其同行的研究人员,哪一个更好,是什么让LSA平庸。为了澄清这些,我们全面调查了来自双方的LSA及其对应物:\ EMPH {频道设置}和\ EMPH {空间处理}。我们发现魔鬼在于生成和应用空间注意,其中相对位置嵌入和相邻过滤器应用是关键因素。根据这些调查结果,我们提出了具有Hadamard注意力和幽灵头的局部自我关注(ELSA)。 Hadamard注意介绍了Hadamard产品,在邻近壳体中有效地产生注意,同时保持高阶映射。 Ghost Head将注意力映射与静态矩阵相结合以增加信道容量。实验证明了ELSA的有效性。如果没有架构/封路数据计修改,则使用ELSA的替换LSA将Swin Transformer \ Cite {Swin}替换为高达+1.​​4,最高1精度。 ELSA还一直在D1至D5中始终如一地享受Volo \ Cite {Volo},其中Elsa-Volo-D5在ImageNet-1K上实现87.2,而无需额外的培训图像。此外,我们在下游任务中评估ELSA。 ELSA在COCO上显着改善了最高+1.9盒AP / +1.3面膜AP,并在ADE20K上达到+1.9 miou。代码可用于\ url {https:/github.com/damo-cv/elsa}。
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